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オリジナルBMS5作目です!今回はchiptuneを作ろうとした結果色々あってレトロな感じはあるもののchiptuneではない何かになりました!自分の表現できるピコピコ感が詰まっているかなぁと思います(詰めすぎてブレイクないなった)。基本はSANA 8bitで音を作成して、足りない分はサンプルパックから拝借しております。B☆1、N☆4、H☆8、A☆12。(29Anotherの日なので)Another譜面は皿複合が難しいです。この手のジャンルは全然わからないので、ひとまず「Game Music」という意味不明なジャンルにしました。アドバイスなど頂けますと幸いですm(_ _)m
- hpx
- レス (1件)
Played 7K HYPER.
Despite the name and the forest setting of the BGI, to me it sounds more like an action scene rather than travel music. In particular, the section with the descending arpeggio and the chiptune riser sounds like it belongs in a level where the player jumps across moving vehicles like train cars or something.
Though old chiptune music tends to be based heavily in fusion and rock, I get the impression this is taking structural cues mostly from video game techno tracks. There's not much of a melodic "hook", but it's energetic and fits nicely with hitting buttons at a high speed.
Thank you for playing and impression!!
As you wrote, it sounds like a game music rather than chiptune coz of its sounds (I think making chiptune is very hard coz there are few souds I can use in music). If there is another chance, i will try make chiptune again.
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