


Hellenica / Echa

8 (1.50)
  • '22.08.08
  • 4
  • 0

April 14th, 2023:

Looking back at this, I feel really nice that I got to improve.
For those wondering, there is only one sound from another BMS used, it's the kick.
The repeating melodies are presets made by LMMS (or at least I remember it being there).
Same with the vocals, those are taken from the internet.
In short: This was my first BMS ever produced and I failed miserably lol.
I've improved a lot since.

Thanks for playing though lmao.
August 8th, 2022:

My first ever BMS work created.
I hope you enjoy it!

作品ID: 211 / 作者: Echa / 作者Webサイト: https://twitter.com/echa_omega / 登録: 2022年08月08日(月) 06:27 / 編集: 2023年04月14日(金) 15:57 / 区分: オリジナル / 管理: 編集


I think if you're gonna use keysounds from other songs you might want to either make it not as apparent (I recognized the kick from Gengaozo, several drums from Angelic layer among other things...) or in a way that makes one think it's there for the sake of being there. It really felt like there was no point in using crusty old samples from back when audio artifacts were common place and that regular samples would have made more sense.
The charts were evidently made chaotic on purpose but the way the notes simply do not line up with the measure lines as if the BPM was wrong is very puzzling and uncomfortable to look at in gameplay
Overall this BMS did not "persuade" me at all. Despite what I said above about using keysounds from other songs however I do not think that the concept itself is flawed at all (it's an entire art called sampling after all). I simply think that you should at the very least aim for transformative usage of sampling, or in any case convincing the listener that yes, this sound absolutely had to be there because it fits and maybe even nothing else could take its place

インプレID: 669 / 投稿者: ゲストさん - お名前 / 投稿者Webサイト: - / 登録: 2022年08月10日(水) 10:42 / 編集: - / 管理: 編集



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